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We are a couple living in the swiss Alps. Mountains are our passion.

On or off work, we spend most of our time hiking, climbing or skiing in the Alps.


At any time of the year, we take you outside and enable you to discover our beautiful region. We are happy to send you a personnalized offer for your stay in the Swiss Alps.

Explore our photos, to gain a sense of our playground.

Let's contact us here!

Emilie Wicki

ASGM aspirant mountain guide

UIMLA mountain leader

Passionate about tourism, Emilie completed her studies at EHL Hospitality Business School in Lausanne. As a certified mountain leader and aspirant mountain guide, she combines passion with tourism skills.

Always smiling and motivated,  she organizes beautiful journey combining all her skills. Wild appetite welcome!


David Wicki

IFMGA mountain guide


David is an epicurean. He loves going out to the right place at the right time.

He came to mountain activities through skiing. The aesthetic line plays an important role in his guiding choices. Calmly and quietly, he brings you into the mountains, as if he simply wanted to show you his garden.

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